OleDbCmd Usage Notes


This program allows you to execute SQL commands against an OleDB Database, eg a Microsoft Access database, an Excel spreadsheet, etc.

This can be a powerful adjunct to LGX Report (see www.freereporting.com) as it allows database creation to be scripted rather than manually creating a database with Microsoft Access.

Another useful free tool to load data into your database is Microsoft's LogParser 2.2 - search their site for the latest download location for this tool.

Usage: OleDBCmd [/help] [/ver] [/extendedSQL | /ODBC]
                [/connect="OleDB or Odbc connect string"| /file=filename]
                [/script="sql script filename" |/cmd="sql command"]
                [/quiet] [/CSV|/XML[=style]] [/nohead] [/starComments] 
                [/dateFormat="date format"] [/boolText=TrueText+FalseText]
                [/quote=C] [/sep=C] [/delim=C]
                [/binOffset=n] [/binPrefix="file prefix"] [/binType=type]
		[/xmlRoot=ncname] [/xmlRow=ncname] [/xmlItem=ncname]
		[/outputEncoding=encodingname] [/outputFile=filename] 


/binPrefix="file prefix"
These parameters control how binary data is dumped to a file and the file 
name is output as the field's value. Binary data is dumped to a file and 
the file's name is output as the field's value.
Files are named: {binfix}[{record number}]{field name}.{binType}
The binOffset parameter specifies the offset in the binary data to start 
dumping from.
The defaults are:  /binOffset=78 /binPrefix=BinData /binType=gif
Text to output for boolean fields in recordsets. Format is 
TrueText+FalseText, and the default is 1+0.
Specifies a single SQL command to execute.
Specifies the OleDB connection string for the database, eg:
'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=test.mdb'
The program will attempt to create the database.
SQL results are output in CSV format rather than the 
default TSV format.
Date format specifier for date fields in recordsets, 
default is "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt". 
See C# documentation for allowablecharacters.
Delimiter used to terminate SQL commands in batches or interactive 
mode. Default is ;
Emit field header for empty result sets.
Allow extended SQL statements to manage VIEW and P
Specifies a file name, the provider will be set to 
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0. Both .mdb and .xls files are handled.
Print the usage details to stderr.
Excludes the header row from the results.
Use ODBC connection rather than an OleDb connection. 
This can not be used with extendedSQL flag.
Suppresses command echo and status messages. 
Only SQL output is written to the console.
Quote character for CSV output, default is ".
Specifies a script file for the SQL commands to be read from.
  • Commands may span multiple lines and must be terminated 
    with a semi-colon.
  • Remark lines must start with --following any leading whitespace.
  • Lines starting with --? are treated as prompts - ie the 
    text following on the rest of the line is written to 
    stdout and the user needs to press any key to proceed.
Separator character for CSV output, default is comma.
Allows embedded and multi-line comments using /* ... */ format.
Print the version and license details to stdout.
SQL results are output in XML format rather than the default TSV format. 
If style is missing or 1 then items are identifed by and ID
a table of column names is provided in the output. If style=2 then
column names are used as item element names, with spaces mapped to 
underscore characters. 
Name for the document root element, default is oledbcmdOutput.
Name for the document row element, default is row.
Name for item element when XML style set to 1.
If specified the results are written to the specified file,
otherwise they are written to stdout.
Specifies the encoding to use for the output file file,
default is utf-8.
If specified a "flush" is performed between each SQL command
to ensure any database changes have been committed.
Note, if neither the /script nor /cmd arguments are given commands 
are read from the console and comment processing is NOT performed.

If no parameters are given the usage, version and license information is

Note - Usage information is written to stderr, whereas version and 
license information is written to stdout.

Exit codes (check with ERRORLEVEL):

0 - All okay.
1 - No parameters.
2 - Program exception.
3 - Parameter error.

Custom SQL Extensions

The following features have been added to OleDbCmd by way of custom SQL extensions when the extendedSQL switch is used.

These features use Microsoft's ADOX library.

CREATE / ALTER / DROP VIEW These support the ANSI-92 extensions available in MS-Access.
CREATE / ALTER / DROP PROCEDURE Allows MS-Access procedures to be defined, modified and deleted. These are essentially parameterised queries.
ALTER PROPERTYOFTABLE Allows custom table properties to be altered. Syntax is

ALTER PROPERTYOFTABLE [table name] SET [property] = value;
ALTER PROPERTYOFFIELDIN Allows custom field properties to be altered. Syntax is

ALTER PROPERTYOFFIELDIN [table name] SET [property] = value FOR [field name];

eg to reset the seed for an auto-number field use:

ALTER PROPERTYOFFIELDIN [my table] SET Seed = 25 FOR [my ID field];
CREATE LINKEDTABLE Allows linked tables to be created. Syntax is

CREATE LINKEDTABLE [local table name] FOR [remote table] WITH [DATASOURCE|PROVIDER] 'connection string';

Where the connection string is either a Data sourcer string or a Provider string for the remote database.
ALTER LINKEDTABLE Allows linked tables to be altered. Syntax is

ALTER LINKEDTABLE [local table name] WITH [DATASOURCE|PROVIDER] 'connection string';

Where the connection string is either a Data sourcer string or a Provider string for the remote database.
ALTER TABLEFIELD Allows table data fields to be set from a file contents. Syntax is

ALTER TABLEFIELD [table name] SET [field] = FILE 'file name' WHERE {select clause};
DROP LINKEDTABLE Allows linked tables to be dropped. Syntax is

DROP LINKEDTABLE [local table name];
SHOW TABLES Lists all tables in the database.
SHOW VIEWS Lists all views in the database with their definitions.
SHOW LINKEDTABLES Lists linked tables in the database.
SHOW PROCEDURES Lists all procedures in the database with their definitions.
Note, the brackets [] are only required around table, column or property names if the names include spaces.
Note: you can drop an object only if it exists using the syntax:



The orginal OleDBCmd was created by Oliver Duis - see http://www.oliverduis.de. 
Subsequently this has been extended by Ian Hogan - see http://THINKronicity.com.au.
Command line processing uses YACLAP by Sean Michael Murphy - see http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/YACLAP.asp